Pointless Team Meetings: Here's How to Avoid Them

Pointless Team Meetings: Here's How to Avoid Them | Modern HR

Far too often, meetings can become a source of frustration and wasted time if they lack direction or fail to engage participants. In this blog post, we will delve into the common pitfalls of pointless team meetings and provide actionable strategies to steer your team towards more productive and purposeful gatherings. 🎯

If your team meetings are stuck in a rut and you’re wondering what’s gone wrong and how you can get them back on track, I’ll share with you the common traps team meetings can fall into when they’re not set up properly for success. 👇🏻

❌ Problem 1. They lack purpose

Lots of team meetings are quite laid-back affairs and as a result nothing much gets achieved in them. When participants are unsure about the purpose of the meeting or what they are expected to achieve, engagement levels plummet, and valuable time is squandered.

If you don’t know what you want to get out of your meetings, then neither will your people. A clear agenda with aims and objectives, that are shared with team members in advance of the meeting, makes it so much easier to keep the focus on the crucial topics and get something worthwhile achieved from your meetings.

✅ Solution: Set Clear Goals and Agendas

To avoid falling into the trap of pointless team meetings, start by establishing clear objectives for each gathering. Outline the specific goals you aim to achieve and communicate them transparently to all participants. Craft a detailed agenda that delineates the topics to be discussed, ensuring that everyone is on the same page before the meeting begins. By setting expectations and providing a roadmap, you can transform aimless meetings into focused and purposeful sessions.

 Problem 2. People don’t see the value

If your team meetings aren’t linked to your team goals, then your people are likely going to start questioning the meeting’s relevance and are probably trying to duck out of them by any means possible. Seek input from your people as to what should be included on the meeting agenda and involve them as much as possible in how the meetings are run.

 Solution: Make it Relevant & Foster Active Participation and Inclusivity

To reignite engagement in team meetings, create an environment that encourages active participation. Implement strategies such as open discussions, brainstorming sessions, and interactive activities to keep team members involved. Consider rotating meeting facilitators to bring fresh perspectives and varied approaches to different sessions.

Additionally, ensure that each team member has an opportunity to contribute by actively seeking their input and feedback. Acknowledge and appreciate diverse viewpoints, fostering a culture of inclusivity that values the input of every team member. By transforming your meetings into collaborative and engaging experiences, you can eradicate the pointlessness that stems from disengagement.

 Problem 3. The Chair doesn’t keep the meeting on track

Time is a precious resource, and inefficient time management during team meetings can swiftly turn them into pointless endeavours. Long-winded discussions, unnecessary tangents, and failure to adhere to the allotted time can leave participants feeling frustrated and unproductive.

 Solution: Implement Effective Time-Keeping Strategies

Combat the time-wasting tendencies of team meetings by implementing effective time management strategies. Start by establishing a clear timeframe for each agenda item and sticking to it rigorously. Consider designating a timekeeper responsible for ensuring that discussions stay on track and that the meeting concludes within the specified timeframe.

Encourage brevity in communication and discourage tangential discussions that deviate from the meeting's main objectives. Additionally, leverage technology tools such as timers and agenda trackers to keep everyone aware of the meeting's progress and remaining time. By respecting everyone's time and optimising meeting efficiency, you can transform your team meetings into purposeful and impactful gatherings.


Well-run team meetings should bring about a boost in team spirit. Unfortunately, they can sometimes have the opposite effect. The causes are often lateness by a few repeat offenders, or bigger characters in the team hogging the spotlight and talking over others, or the same people checking their phones constantly. All of these behaviours can start to grate if they are happening regularly. This can be solved though. Get your team members to contribute to setting some behavioural do’s and don’ts and committing to a system of meeting etiquette.

It’s not unusual to experience problems with team meetings, but it doesn’t need to be that way. Once you’ve recognised the issues, you can put into place these practical suggestions to get them back on track.

By setting clear objectives, fostering engagement, and implementing efficient time management strategies, you can transform your team meetings into valuable and productive experiences for everyone involved. Remember, the key lies in creating an environment where every participant feels their time is well-spent and their contributions are valued. Embrace these strategies, and watch as your team becomes more motivated, collaborative, and focused in achieving collective goals.


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